2024 Summer Sunday School

2023 暑假周日班现在开始招生

KCICLC Sunday school meets from 1PM through 4PM on 6/16, 6/23, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21 with a total of 6 meetings.


A1: 趣味中文课:课程内容包括创意故事听讲写、生活里的趣味科学、做游戏学中文、成语故事看画学、拼音拼读打…… 等等既精彩有趣又能复习和学习中文!“趣味中文”学费:$150

A2: 计算机编程课:在为期六个星期的课程中,学生将学到为什么编程是一个有价值和有意思的技能。他们将学习基本编程理论,逻辑,特定的术语。不需要编程基础,但是又一些编程基础的学生将会更享受这个课程。主要学习使用google app script 编写JavaScript代码, 需要学生自带电脑,可以是PC, Mac 或者Chromebook. 老师Alex有二十年编程经验,并是多个YouTube频道的博主,拥有百万粉丝。Alex期待着在编程课上和大家度过一个充实和快乐的夏天。针对年龄在9岁及以上的学生学费:$150


B1, B2:舞蹈分小班和大班,分别由Jiajia老师和敏颐老师继续开课。学费:$90

B3: 篮球课:每周日下午3-4:00pm,学费 $60。

C1: 线上丙烯画课:4 classes, 1.5 hours/class, $60, time from 7/11, 12, 18, 19, 6-7:30PM, ZOOM

Course Schedule

PackageClass Time6/16, 6/23, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21
A11:10-1:55趣味中文课 (Chinese)
2:05-2:50趣味中文课 (Chinese)
A21:10-1:55计算机编程 (Programming)
2:05-2:50计算机编程 (Programming)
B13:00-4:00幼儿舞蹈 (Dancing,5-8 years old)
B23:00-4:00少儿舞蹈 (Dancing,9 years old and above)
B33:00-4:00室内篮球 (Indoor Basketball,no age requirement)
C16:00-7:30线上丙烯画课, 4 classes, 1.5 hours/class, $60, Class dates: 7/11, 12, 18, 19

报名链接:Click this link to register: https://forms.gle/vdHW49CizHowcBR28

Tuition: A1, A2: $150. B1, B2: $90, B3, C1: $60,.
School Address: Smith Building, 14040 S Mur-len Rd, Olathe, KS 66062
Contact us at kansascitychineseschool@gmail.com & text message: 913-226-1696

Payment: check or paypal payment needs to be received before 5/31 for processing.
Mail Check: Check payable to KCICLC,including student’s full name in the note section on the check. mailing address:PO Box 26164,Overland park,KS 66225
Paypal: pay to kansascitychineseschool@gmail.com. Please put student full name in the note on paypal payment.

Click this link to register: https://forms.gle/vdHW49CizHowcBR28